If you are looking to learn how to get rid of nail fungus and stop it from coming back, then this is the website for you. Here we will discuss all things that have to do with nail fungus. Whether you are looking for a nail fungus treatment, prevention tips or something else, this website has it all. We also provide reviews and guides on various treatments and products to help you get rid of your toe fungus.
Nail fungus can be very difficult to treat, but that does not mean that it cannot be treated. You just have to make sure that you do the right things in order to successfully treat your nail fungus. The best way to do this is to find a treatment method that works for you and stick with it until your infection is gone.
There are a multitude of reasons for why you may have discoloured, brittle or misshapen nails and nail fungus is just one of them. Yet it’s the most common. Fungal infections can be treated at home but the problem with this is that the nail fungus can return. This article discusses what to do about it.
Nail fungus can be defeated with antifungal treatment, which is available in pharmacies and health food stores as well as online. Yet just as you should treat your nail problem as soon as you notice it, you should also treat it so that there is no chance of a recurrence. If left untreated, the same fungus can return again and again because your nails will give it the ideal environment to thrive in. The best thing to do is to use both an antifungal treatment and an anti-fungal lacquer to keep your nails clear after they have been cleansed of all signs of infection.
Anti-fungal products come in many forms including creams, sprays and ointments that you apply directly to your nails (such as ZetaClear). They also come in a spray form that you take internally, such as Clear Nails Plus; this type of product attacks the
Nail fungus is a common condition that begins as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the fungal infection goes deeper, nail fungus may cause your nail to discolor, thicken and crumble at the edge. It can affect several nails but usually not all of them. If your condition is mild and not bothering you, you may not need treatment. If your nail fungus is painful and has caused thickened nails, self-care steps and medications may help. But even if treatment is successful, nail fungus often comes back.
Nail fungus infections are caused by various species of fungi (yeasts). The most common cause of athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), the same types of fungi usually cause nail infections. Fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, so it’s important to keep your feet clean and dry if you’re prone to getting athlete’s foot or nail infections.
Nail fungus infections are so common that about one out of ten people has it at any given time. Toenails are more susceptible to fungal infections than fingernails, and the risk rises with age. Most nail fungal infections begin in the skin, called the nail bed. Fungus can spread from your skin and into your nails if your nail is damaged.
Even though most people with toenail fungus don’t experience any pain, they may feel self-conscious about their appearance. Toe fungus can cause your nails to become thick or ragged and appear yellow, green, brown or black. The fungus can also cause changes to the nail bed, including white spots or lines or separation of the nail (onycholysis).
There is a lot of information available on nail fungus but not all of it is good. Here are some of the most common myths:
Psoriasis is a skin condition that can cause nails to thicken and crack. Psoriasis can also affect the skin around the nails, causing the surrounding skin to become red, painful, swollen and scaly.
Sometimes psoriasis causes yellowish nail discoloration or white spots and lines on the nails. This can be a sign of a serious infection in the nail bed called paronychia. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor for treatment right away.
Psoriasis is a long-lasting (chronic) disease that usually involves periods when you have no symptoms or mild symptoms, followed by periods when symptoms are more severe. Psoriasis is not contagious (passed from person to person through contact).
Psoriasis usually affects the skin on your elbows, knees, scalp and lower back. It may also affect fingernails and toenails. Sometimes it appears on one part of the body before spreading to other areas. Psoriasis can be mild with small areas of rash. Or it can be severe with thick red patches that cover large areas of the body.
The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, but it’s believed to involve defects in your immune system combined with genetic and environmental factors like stress.
The older you get the more likely you are to have problems with your fingernails and toenails. As you age the nail becomes less efficient at protecting the nail bed and can become more brittle, split, peel or discolor.
The nails are made up of keratin, a protein that is also found in our hair and skin. The formation of nails begins in the matrix which is located under the cuticle (skin) at the base of the nail. Cells are constantly forming in this area and push out older cells as they form into layers. These cells harden as they lose moisture, compact together and eventually form a nail.
As we age it takes longer for new cells to form, when this happens it causes ridges to form on the nails surface. This is due to slower cell growth and dehydration. Nail splitting is due to a deficiency in iron or protein or from injury from chemicals or detergents which dehydrate the nail plate. Discoloration may be caused by a fungal infection, lack of oxygen (if you paint your nails a lot), or from injury to blood vessels under the nail plate.