I’ve made a few nail polish related purchases this week. But don’t worry, I also got some new shoes, so it’s not just nail polish in my life:
I bought Nails with Poo Color, a blog about nail polish, who needs it and why. (You know you have problems when the second question is ‘why’.)
I bought the new OPI collection on eBay, which I mentioned yesterday.
My local Sally Beauty Supply had a bunch of the new China Glaze Rebel collection for 4 bucks each, so instead of buying one, I bought four. Hey, I need a lot of nail polish!
Today I got my nails done. I have to say the color I chose is not a color that most people would go for but I fell in love with it and had to try it. It’s called “poo brown” and that’s exactly what it looks like….poo.
I know, I know…it sounds disgusting but if you actually saw the color you may find yourself buying a bottle of it. I mean, let’s face it…we all love to add some color to our lives from time to time and this is just one more way to do it.
I think next time I will be going for a less poo-like color like maybe “blood red” or “tooth decay yellow”. But for now, Poo Brown will have to do…and yes, I am aware of how disgusting that sounds.
Ok, so I have a confession to make. And this may be TMI for some of you, but I’m going to go ahead and throw it out there anyway.
I am a nail biter. Well, let me clarify that. I was a nail biter until about a year ago when I quit biting my nails cold turkey. A year ago, I decided that enough was enough, and it was time to ditch the habit once and for all. And what better way is there to never pick up a bad habit again than to replace it with something else? For me, that something else was nail polish.
Now, let me just say that I am not one of those girls who has to have her nails done at all times. In fact, you’re more likely to see me in jeans and a t-shirt or sweats than in heels and a dress because that’s just who I am. As much as I love the way it looks on other women (and trust me…there is nothing sexier than beautiful long nails), it’s just not for me! But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like to look nice every once in awhile….or even more often than once in awhile! And you know what they say about looking good being
Today I had a horrible experience. I was on a bus and someone was wearing nail polish. It was just so bright and colorful, it really caught my eye. I couldn’t stop looking at it. The more I looked the more it seemed to swallow me up.
But then only a few minutes later the person got off the bus and I snapped out of it’s trance. My mind was racing even after that and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
I think those colors have some kind of hypnotic power over people. They should be banned or something!
Multi-colored nails are the best way to express yourself and show off your personality. You can use a different color on each nail, create a pattern with striping tape, or make your nails look like a rainbow! No matter how you do it, multi-colored nails will help you stand out in a crowd.
Multi-colored nails are not just for teenagers and twenty-somethings. They can be worn by women (and men) of all ages. In fact, multi-colored nails have become so popular that even very conservative women are wearing them. So, if you have always wanted to try multiple colors on your fingertips but were afraid of looking too young or having people think you are strange, now is the time to give it a try!
When I walk into a drug store, one of the first things I look for is the nail polish. I have an unholy addiction to nail polish. It all started in high school when my best friend and I would go to Wal-Mart every other weekend to pick out new colors. The only time I stop painting my nails is when they are peeling off, which is usually every seven days or so.
I have no idea why I am addicted to nail polish, but it makes me happy. There is something about the act of painting your nails that makes you feel like you are being pampered and spoiled. It’s like a mini-manicure that you can do in your jammies.
To me nail polish isn’t just about color, it’s about mood, too. If I am having a bad day, putting on a bright pink will help me feel better. If I am going on a date, putting on a dark red makes me feel sexy. Nail polish is an easy way to change your mood without changing your clothes…