While you may think that a handshake is fairly simple, there are actually a lot of ways that you can mess it up. Here are the top 10 tips for giving a better handshake when you meet someone new.
1. Make eye contact with the person as you shake their hand.
2. Give the person a solid grip but don’t squeeze too hard and make sure your palm is dry.
3. If you have just washed your hands, dry them completely before shaking hands.
4. Don’t be the first person to let go of the other person’s hand after shaking it.
5. A firm handshake doesn’t mean that you should give them a “dead fish” hand or that you should squeeze too tightly.
6. Avoid using two hands or making any kind of limp-wristed handshake, which can make people feel uncomfortable and awkward.
7. If you are wearing a bracelet or watch, move it out of the way before shaking someone’s hand (they might get injured).
8. Don’t use your left hand to hold anything such as food or drink when shaking someone’s hand with your right hand as this can be quite distracting for both parties involved in the handshake and can also be
The first impression is the last impression. The famous adage holds true even in today’s fast-paced world. Your handshake creates an immediate impact to the person you are meeting for the first time. It is a sign of respect and good manners. A handshake may be the beginning of a new relationship, which may take shape of a business deal or a friendship. So, it is necessary that you give a strong handshake to gain respect and make yourself liked by others.
A good handshake is considered as one of the most important aspects of nonverbal communication. It can also be considered as a form of greeting in many cultures around the world, where one puts his/her hand forward to meet another person’s hand. A firm handshake will help you break all barriers and convey your confidence and self-esteem to others.
Here are some useful tips for giving better handshakes:
You may think that a handshake is just a handshake, but it’s not. It’s your first introduction to someone and can make an important – and sometimes lasting – impression. A good handshake should be firm yet gentle, and convey confidence without being overpowering. Here are some tips to help you give a better handshake.
Keep Your Hands Clean
Before putting your hand out, make sure your hands are clean. Whether you’re shaking hands at work or socially, there’s nothing worse than coming in for a handshake, only to have the other person pull their hand away because of dirty fingernails, dandruff on the hand or wrist, or even smudged ink from signing documents earlier. Wash up before putting your hand out to shake another’s.
Pump Once or Twice
A proper handshake involves pumping the other person’s hand up and down once or twice and then releasing it – no more than that. Holding on too long can be uncomfortable for the other person and conveying a sense of desperation (as if you’re trying too hard).
Handshakes are usually practiced on a daily basis, but not everyone has mastered this simple greeting. Here are 10 tips for the perfect handshake:
1. Start with your right hand.
2. Make eye contact before shaking hands.
3. Stand up if you are seated.
4. Move forward to meet the other person’s hand halfway.
5. Keep your grip firm, but not bone-crushingly tight.
6. Don’t squeeze too hard or too long – three to five seconds is plenty of time for a handshake.
7. Hold your forearm upright and don’t lean forward or pull away from the other person’s grasp when shaking hands so you don’t appear weak or overly aggressive.
8. Keep your other hand out of the way and use it only to accompany your handshake with eye contact and a smile; you can also lightly place it over the other person’s hand while you shake hands if you want to convey warmth or sincerity – but try to avoid using both hands unless it is necessary (e.g., if someone has a cast).
9. Don’t limp-wrist it by extending only the fingers or allowing them to droop down; this makes you appear timid or disinterested in meeting the other person
1. Make eye contact.
2. Smile.
3. Use a firm grip.
4. Pump the handshake twice (no more).
5. Lean in slightly, when appropriate (like if you’re meeting at a party).
6. Don’t shake hands and hug at the same time (unless you’re in Europe).
7. Offer your right hand as opposed to your left hand, unless you have a cast on your right hand or some other mitigating circumstance, like being left-handed or holding something in your right hand that would make shaking impossible or awkward (which I didn’t even know was possible until I met my now-husband, who is left-handed, for the first time).
8. If you’re a guy, don’t offer a half-assed handshake; if you’re a woman, don’t try to crush someone with your handshake (or as Al Gore would say, “Fist bump is fine”).
9. If you’re tall and/or large, be mindful of this fact and adjust accordingly so as not to squash the person you are meeting or make them feel smaller than they already do (I’m 6’1″, so I remember these tips well).
10. Never use the word “grip
1. Use a firm grip.
2. Make eye contact.
3. Smile if appropriate.
4. Turn your hand to match theirs (palm to palm).
5. Be aware of your body language and posture.
6. Remember to keep your free hand free! It should not be clenched, in your pocket, or holding on to something that will distract the other person’s attention away from you during the handshake – such as a coffee cup or cigarette.
7. Don’t overdo it with jewelry and accessories, they can distract from the message you are trying to send them with your handshake.
8. Your handshake shouldn’t last more than three seconds, so don’t squeeze too hard, either! If you want to shake someone’s hand for longer than that, make sure they’re okay with it first.
9. Don’t hug people! A hug is more intimate than most business relationships need to be, especially if it’s someone you just met or haven’t seen in years! If in doubt about whether or not this person wants a hug from you, offer an alternate greeting such as “Hi” instead of going in for that embrace right away.”
1. Approach confidently. A handshake starts long before you and the other person touch hands. Approach with direct eye contact and a confident energy.
2. Make good eye contact. Look into the other person’s eyes as you shake their hand, and smile. This increases the connection you feel to them and helps make the interaction feel positive and uplifting.
3. Offer a full grip with your whole hand, wrist straight, fingers curved toward you, thumb up and parallel to your index finger (not tucked under). Clasp hands firmly with even pressure throughout their entire hand and squeeze gently. The pressure should be firm but not crushing, painful or sweaty.
4. Give two pumps then release completely in one smooth motion. Do not “hold” hands but release completely after two shakes, so that both people can withdraw cleanly without hesitation or groping for each other’s hands for support or balance.”