Top 4 Ways to Reduce Chipping When Applying Acrylic Nails

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The top four ways to reduce chipping when applying acrylic nails are:

1. Be sure to file the natural nail bed with a drill bit and not a nail file.

2. Place a small ball of acrylic at the cuticle and then use your sculpting brush to pull the acrylic down all sides of the free edge.

3. Apply more acrylic on the apex of each nail for extra strength, if needed.

4. File all sides of each nail in a downward motion for smooth edges, then apply a top coat as usual.

Avoid applying polish near the cuticle area. This helps to prevent chipping when applying acrylic nails, because if the polish gets on the cuticle it can get caught on your skin and cause you to chip and peel your nail polish.

Use a base coat. A base coat helps to prevent chipping when applying acrylic nails because it gives your polish something to hold on to. If you do not use a base coat, especially with dark colored nail polish, you will notice that your nail color will stain.

Make sure your nails are dry before you apply any type of top coat. Applying a top coat over wet nail polish can cause your nails to chip quickly, as well as cause bubbles in your top coat, so be sure to let them dry first.

Lastly, avoid opening doors or doing anything that may cause chips for about an hour after you have applied a new set of acrylic nails. This allows time for the nail polish to dry completely and will help reduce chipping when applying acrylic nails.

I know how frustrating it can be when your acrylic nails start chipping after just a couple of days. But don’t give up! Here are my top four tips to reduce chipping:

Make sure your nails are dry by using a hairdryer.

Apply a base coat before applying the acrylic nails.

Use the right size nails for each finger, instead of cutting one size to fit all of them.

Apply the acrylic with a brush and file into shape.

With the holidays just around the corner, many of us are starting to think about what kind of manicure we want for our Christmas parties. One thing that you should be thinking about when it comes to acrylic nails is if you have a tendency to chip your manicure, and what steps you can take in order to reduce this chipping.

The first step in reducing chipping is to make sure that your technician uses a good brand of acrylic powder. Good brands will help reduce chipping and provide a longer lasting finish. If you can, ask your technician what brand they use.

Another step you can take is to ask them to add a little extra liquid into the mixture of acrylic powder, just before they apply it to your nail. This will create a more flexible bond between the acrylic and the nail, which will reduce the chances that your nails will chip or break off when you hit them against something by accident.

Another way to reduce chipping once you get home is by keeping your hands away from water as much as possible, especially hot water. Washing dishes while wearing acrylic nails can cause some serious damage, so try and avoid doing this as much as possible. You should also keep your hands out of hot water when taking baths or showers for an added level

1. You need to make sure that you prep the nail by pushing back the cuticle, and removing shine from the nail plate. Use a 180 grit file to rough up the nail plate before applying the acrylic, making sure to go in one direction only.

2. Apply a very thin coat of primer to each nail. Do not over-apply because this will cause too much drying time and will cause chipping.

3. Place a small bead of acrylic on your nail form or tip, and keep it towards the cuticle area of your nail. Push it forward with your brush, creating an arch as you work towards the free edge of your nail . . . DO NOT DRAG BACKWARDS! This will cause chipping every time!

4. Seal the entire free edge of your nails by dipping them into a “sealer” product that is used for acrylic nails. This will help protect the free edge from chipping after your manicure is complete!

1. File your nails in a square shape and keep them short.

2. Before you apply the acrylic nails, thoroughly clean your nails and make sure they are dry.

3. Use a primer to make the nail bed tacky, so it will grab the acrylic better.

4. After you have applied the acrylic nails, use a finishing sealer spray to seal in moisture and prevent chipping.

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