Wet Nail Polish is Actually Bad For Your Nails – Do This Instead: A blog about how wet nail polish is bad for your nails and why you should use a top coat instead.
I’m sure everyone has had the experience of putting on your favorite shade of nail polish, only to find it chipping off a few days later. Well, as it turns out, that isn’t because you were careless or because you picked a cheap brand; wet nail polish can actually be really bad for your nails.
What’s happening is that wet nail polish traps moisture in your nails, which makes them swell up, and when they shrink back to normal size the polish starts to chip off. It also makes your nails brittle and weak over time, which is both unsightly and unhealthy for your skin.
It may seem like the only solution is to paint your nails a day or two before you need them to look perfect so that they have time to dry out first, but there’s actually something better you can do: apply a clear top coat every second or third day to keep the moisture out.
This also has the benefit of extending the life of your manicure so that you don’t have to waste time re-applying polish as often. You can
I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “Too much of a good thing”? Well, that’s what wet nail polish is for your nails. It’s a good thing because it makes our nails look fabulous but when it comes to things that make your nails look good, less is more.
Wet nail polish is actually bad for your nails? Yes, I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. Too many layers of wet nail polish can cause your nails to become brittle and weak. So why do we keep applying coat after coat of wet nail polish? Because we want our manicures to last and we don’t want to do touch ups every day. I have a solution for you — a top coat!
I’ve mentioned in previous posts why I love using a top coat over my regular nail polish and today I’m going to tell you exactly why they are so great and how they can make your manicure last longer with fewer problems.
The problem with regular nail polish is that it contains solvent. This solvent keeps the polish liquid until it hits the air. Once you paint on your polish, it dries quickly because the solvent evaporates into the air leaving behind color pigment and plasticizers which are what form the hard film on your nails. The more coats
Have you ever noticed how your nails look worse after a manicure? Sometimes, I get my nails professionally done and I always leave with an uneven, rough coat of nail polish. I end up having to paint my nails again at home when the manicure is supposed to be saving me time. It’s so frustrating!
If you’ve been watching any of the beauty gurus on YouTube, you’ve probably heard them talk about the importance of using a top coat and why it helps preserve nail polish. Heck, even if you haven’t watched any beauty videos and have been getting your nails done for years, by now, there’s a good chance someone has tried to sell you on the benefits of a top coat.
I’ve had people tell me that a top coat doesn’t really make much of a difference but I’m here to tell you that it does. Here’s why:
When you get your nails wet and apply nail polish in that state, the water gets trapped under your nail polish which causes it to bubble and peel off faster. This is why most manicurists will ask if they should remove your old nail polish before starting. They want to ensure that your nails are dry before applying new nail polish because they know that wet nails lead to peeling and
Have you ever accidentally hit your nails while they’re drying and smudged them? If so, you’ve probably cursed the fact that wet nail polish is so fragile. Why can’t nail polish dry faster? Is there a way to make it dry faster?
For years, I thought the only way to get my nails painted fast was to use super-fast drying nail polishes or sprays. But then I started researching top coats and found out that the best way to speed up drying is not by using a fast-drying polish but by applying a top coat with solvents that actually help harden regular nail polish.
In this article, I’ll talk about why regular nail polish dries slowly and how top coats can help speed up the process. I’ll also talk about what makes a good top coat and recommend some of my favorites.
Why Regular Nail Polish Takes So Long To Dry
Nail polish takes time to dry because it is made of a solvent – usually ethyl acetate or butyl acetate – and pigments suspended in that solvent. The pigments give it color and opacity, but without the solvent, they wouldn’t be able to spread evenly over your nails. The solvents are what make the pigment particles stick
Nail polish is one of my favorite beauty products. I’m never without at least one color on my fingers, and I’m constantly switching it up to match my mood or the season. But the bad news is that nail polish can actually be really bad for your nails.
I know, I know-what’s a girl to do? Well, there’s a solution! And you won’t believe what it is! The secret is…to not wear nail polish at all!
That’s right-just don’t wear it at all. Seriously. Trust me on this one, I’ve consulted with experts!
If you really want to protect your nails from breaking and peeling (as well as from the damaging effects of nail polish remover), just take a break from wearing nail polish!
I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out: when you wear nail polish, the air gets trapped underneath it and can’t get out, which weakens your nails and makes them more susceptible to breaking.
So if you’re looking for a way to stop your nails from breaking and peeling off, don’t wear any nail polish at all!
Nail Polish has been around for thousands of years. The Babylonians painted their nails to match their lips and fingertips. They believed the color of a person’s nails indicated social status, and during the Tang Dynasty, nail colors were used to identify different social classes.
Nail polishes have come a long way since then, with many different ingredients being added over the years. Modern nail polish is made up of four main ingredients: resin, solvent, plasticizer, and pigment. Resin helps protect nails from chipping, solvent allows the pigment to spread evenly on your nails when you paint them, plasticizers help prevent polish from becoming too brittle. Pigment gives nail polish its color.
There are also several different types of nail polish you can use: wet nail polish, dry nail polish, top coat and glitter top coat. Wet nail polish is the most common type of nail polish that you’ll find in stores today. It’s easy to apply and looks great if you do it right! Dry nail polishes are much more difficult to apply but they last longer than wet ones since they dry quickly after being applied. Glitter top coats are just like regular top coats except they contain glitter particles which give off a sparkly effect when light hits them at certain angles (
The other day I was going to get a manicure and my nail person asked me, “Do you want a gel manicure?” I cringed at the thought of getting that done soon after I had removed my last gel manicure. My nails were still weak and I didn’t want to do anything else to them. Instead, I opted for a regular polish manicure.
Since then, I’ve been thinking about how much damage all that gel polish does to our nails, not only because it’s on there for weeks at a time, but also because when it’s removed, the nails are basically scraped raw.
Instead of the gel manicure or regular polish, I’m trying this Shellac Manicure instead. Have you ever heard of it? It’s basically a manicure done with nail polish and a UV light to dry it. The end result is supposed to be hard like gel polish but without damaging your nails as much.
I had one done yesterday and will let you know what I think!