How to Apply Eyeshadow the RIGHT way is a blog that will help you bring out the best in you by bringing out the best of your makeup. Makeup can be a tricky business and it is important to know what works for you and what does not. You can easily apply eyeshadow with a few tips and steps to follow and feel like a professional in no time. Eyeshadow application starts with the right choice of brush, eyeshadow color, and eye shape. Follow these simple steps to get started:
1. Pick two complimentary colors and apply one over your entire lid, then the other in your crease
2. Use matte shades for contouring
3. Blend upward on your brow bone area
4. To make eyes look bigger, apply light-colored shadows on your lids and darker ones on your crease
5. Always use an eyeshadow primer before applying any color
6. Apply concealer onto clean eyelids before applying shadow
7. If you are going for a darker look, use darker matte shades on your crease instead of dark shimmers on top of each other, which can get muddy looking quickly
How to apply eyeshadow the right way is a question I get emailed all the time and in fact, it’s one of the easiest ways to make your eyes look bigger and more awake.
But before I get into the nitty gritty on how to apply eyeshadow the right way, let’s talk about the importance of a good makeup primer.
A primer acts like a magnet for your eyeshadows, making them last longer and preventing them from creasing or looking patchy. It’s especially important if you have oily eyelids (like me).
I love using the Too Faced Shadow Insurance Eyeshadow Primer. It has been around forever and there’s a good reason for that!
I start by applying this primer all over my eyelid with my ring finger as well as under my lash line. The under eye area tends to be darker than the rest of your face so it’s important to brighten it up.
Then I set my primer with a translucent powder using a fluffy brush to prevent any shine from appearing throughout the day.
Today’s post is all about one of my favorite subjects: eyeshadow. I love eyeshadow and I use it everyday. I personally enjoy the look of colorful eyeshadow, so today I’ll be focusing on how to apply color properly.
The first step in applying any eyeshadow is primer. Primer helps to keep your eyeshadow intact and looking great for a long period of time. It can also help to even out any discoloration or veins you might have on your lids.
After you put your primer on, start with a light color that will act as your base; for this example, we will be using a white/light pink shade. Use an eyeshadow brush and pat the shadow onto your lid and blend it up into the crease. Don’t worry too much about creating a perfect line at this point, we are just trying to get the basic shape of where our color will be going.
The next step is to choose a darker color to place in the crease area. This will help create depth and make your eye appear larger than it actually is. Use an angled brush in order to get into the crease area and apply the shadow here. This can be any color you want (I’m
Step 1: Make sure your eyes are primed for eye makeup application by applying a good eye cream, and then by using an eyeshadow primer.
Step 2: When applying eyeshadow, it is best to use either a good quality eyeshadow brush or a makeup sponge-tip applicator.
Step 3: If you are using a makeup sponge-tip applicator, dip the applicator into the shadow and then tap off any excess. Then apply the shadow to your eyelid. If you are using an eyeshadow brush, dip the brush into the powder and then tap off excess before applying it to your eyelid.
Step 4: If you are using more than one color on your lid, start with the lightest shade first and work your way up to the darkest shade last. Apply each shade over the previous one in order to blend them together properly.
Step 5: To make your eyes stand out even more, use an eyeliner pencil on your top lash line only. With an angled brush dipped in black eyeshadow, apply the shadow along your top lashes for even more definition.
Eyeshadow is one of the most important products in your makeup bag. If applied correctly, eye shadow can brighten your eyes and make you look more awake and alert. It can also be used to emphasize the shape of your eye or create a new shape if contoured correctly. Eyeshadow can create a subtle glow or a dramatic effect for a smoky eye.
But getting that perfect application can be tricky because there are so many different colors and finishes out there. In this article I will show you how to apply eyeshadow in such a way that you’ll never feel like you’re wearing too much or too little, and also give some tips on what colors work best with different skin tones and eye colors.
Eyeshadow is great, but it can be scary. You don’t want to overdo it and look like a crazy person. This is how I always apply my eyeshadow.
Prime your eyes with an eyeshadow base. This will help the color stay and make it more vibrant.
Apply a light color all over your lid as a base/primer. This will also help the color stay longer and make it pop out more!
Apply a medium toned color in the crease of your eye with a blending brush. I like to use MAC’s 217 brush because its bristles are firm enough to buff out any harsh lines, but soft enough to blend the colors together nicely.
Apply a darker toned color in the outer corner of your eye with a pencil brush. Again, we are using MAC’s 219 brush because it is nice and small so you can create a precise line!
Now take your blending brush again and blend out any harsh lines between the three colors that you just applied. If you’ve done this correctly, there should be no harsh lines between them at all! If you feel like the medium toned color is too strong for your liking, take some of the light color on your blending brush (that still has some
Apply eyeshadow the right way.
Well, I finally decided to do a blog post on how to apply eyeshadow the right way, because I feel like it is an important subject and I needed a place to show you guys what I know.
To start, you should know that there is no such thing as “correct” when it comes to makeup. There are so many different types of makeup out there in all sorts of colors and shades, and so many different skin tones that there is not one single way to apply it that will look good on everyone.
So this blog post will talk about applying eye shadow in general, showing you some basic techniques that are great for all skin tones and eye colors. The reason why I think this will be helpful for everyone is because it is important to understand HOW to apply your makeup before adding in all the color and fun stuff. Once you understand the basics of how your eye makeup goes together, then you can add color, winged liner, false lashes or any other fun additions.